If you are locked out of your car, you may think that you should break in on your own. You may have seen many different methods on various social media sharing ways to get in. When you are locked out and need to get in fast, you have a few options
You could break a window, but that causes much more headache and cost later on.

Break in to a car the right way, call a locksmith!
You could try to use duct tape and pull the window down. However this poses serious issues. Do you happen to have duct tape on you? You could serious damage your window motor.
You could try to use a slim Jim or coat hanger to unlock the car. However you will also damage you weather stripping and/or car interior.
You could try one of these crazy methods, to break it… but the risk of damaging your car is high. I would never try one of these
If you are locked out, the best way to break into your car, is simply to call your local locksmith. If you are near LaGrange in Troup County Georgia, call us! SecuriKey Locks is the fastest to unlocking cars in the county. We also primarily pick the lock, which means your car will be 100% damage free.
Matthew Medina is one of the fastest car picks! Most of the time, he can have you back in your car, before you are done filling out our paperwork. Instead of trying to break in to your car, consider calling a knowledgable locksmith who can get you in quickly and damage free.
Rather than giving yourself more, and more expensive problems down the road by attempting to break in yourself, do the reasonable thing and call a respected locksmith who will quickly, and damage free break into your car for you.